=> Compare various GenEx 7.0 versions -- Std vs. Pro vs. Ent
General features:
Data Pre-Processing - Merging, normalization, inter-plate calibrationAbsolute Quantification - Standard curves, reverse regression, limit of detectionRelative Quantification - Reference gene identification, 1-2 way ANOVA, students t-testExpression Profiling - PCA, Hierarchial Clustering, Kohonen Self Organizing MapMultimarker Diagnostics - Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector MachinesExperimental Design - Study design based on variance and budget constrictionsGenEx offers advanced methods to analyze real-time PCR data by simple mouse clicks. The methods are suitable to select and validate reference genes, classify samples, group genes, monitor time dependent processes and the like. Among the methods available are:
- User friendly data pre-processing
- Power graphics
- Scatter plots
- geNorm
- Normfinder
- Principal Component Analysis
- Hierarchical clustering
- Heatmap
- Self-Organizing Maps
- Potential curves
- Trilinear decomposition
- Pearson and Spearman correlations
- ... and much more ...
Optimal use of real-time PCR measurements requires proper analysis of real-time PCR data. GenEx provides the appropriate tools to analyze real-time PCR gene expression data and to extract valuable information from the measurements. Features in this user-friendly software include:
- Advance plotting functions
- Grouping of data
- Handling of missing data
- Hierarchical Clustering to find associations between data
- Kohonen Neural Networks to classify data
- Pearson to calculate correlations between genes
- Principal Component Analysis to find hidden structures in data
- Scaling and normalization options for gene expression data
- Geometric averaging for assessing best reference gene
- ... and much more ...
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GenEx is really easy to use. All you need to get started is to arrange your gene expression data in a spreadsheet or tab separated text file with the genes as rows and samples as columns, using first column and first row for indexing.
Join all GenEx data analysis talks held at our qPCR Events => www.eConferences.de/multid/
Available GenEx packages:
GenEx comes in three different packages to fulfill different customer needs:
- GenEx Standard, which has all features for basic analyses
- GenEx Professional which also includes classification methods
- GenEx Enterprise, which has all functionalities including advanced expression profiling analysis.
- GenEx Licensing
Time limited licenses are available for 6, 12 and 24 months. - Updates for the license version are for free.
- Desktop license: License locked to one computer.
- Network concurrent Licensing: Minimum of 5 licenses setup in a network allowing GenEx to be activated on any computer with access to the network. Only available with perpetual license.
- System Requirements
Any modern computer running Microsoft Windows XP or later, 4 GB of RAM (8 GB or more recommended), 80 MB of available hard-disk space, display with resolution 1024 by 768 pixels or higher and scale 96 DPI. Mac users will need "Parallel" or "VM-Ware" virtual environment to run Windows.
- GenEx 7.0 price list 2019 with supported instruments
GenEx Standard
Powerful editor for pre-processing of gene expression data. GenEx Standard makes pre-processing of data easy!
There are options to calibrate samples with interpolate calibrators, a number of ways of handling missing data, and you can correct for primer-dimers and PCR efficiencies. Samples can also be normalized against reference genes or reference samples, the sample amounts, or a spike. If technical replicates have been made, they are easily normalized as well.
GenEx Standard is often sufficient when only one gene is studied at a time. It can be used within for example biochemistry or infection diagnostics. The package includes even more, as can be seen in the analysis list.
There are statistical analyses to determine differences between two or more groups. This includes Student's t-test for paired and unpaired studies, corresponding non-parametric test, and an ANOVA test for one factor. You can also cluster your genes or samples in a dendrogram to see for example which samples show similar expression profiles. There are several options of letting you visualize the data in a plot including scatter plots, line plots, a bar plot, as well as a box and whiskers plot. The plots can be used to efficiently compare expression profiles of different samples or genes.
GenEx Professional
GenEx Professional includes all analyses in the Standard package and much more. There are advanced multidimensional analyses such as principal component analysis (PCA) and self-organized maps (SOM) that lets you use the expression of several genes to cluster or classify samples. There are also more advanced statistical tests to determine difference of means, such as two-way ANOVA which is used when the effect that two separate factors has on the gene expression. It can be used to investigate if for instance the studied treatments influence the gene expression in a set of age groups differently.
This package is recommended when you are analyzing more than one gene in for example an exploratory study. This is often done within the medical field of research. Information of all analysis is included in the analysis list.
The package also includes several calibration analyses, such as a standard curve, reverse calibration to calibrate unknown samples to a standard curve, and a function to determine the limit of detection (LOD) for your assay.
GenEx Enterprise
Our most advanced package is the GenEx Enterprise that includes all of the available analysis. The powerful multidimensional methods artificial neural networks (ANN) and support vector machines (SVM) let you build a model of your data that can be used to classify unknown samples in for example diagnostics. The models are easily shared with other GenEx users. P-curve is a form of principal component analysis (PCA) that also lets you classify unknown samples.
GenEx is excellent tool for predictive studies, when the end product is a model that can classify or calibrate unknown samples. Typical applications include diagnostics of complex diseases, and typical users are pharmaceutical companies. See the analysis list for complete overview of the included analysis.
... more info about GenEx => http://GenEx.gene-quantification.info